
Painless dentistry has entered a new era with Lasers. An amplified high energy light source replaces the dental drill and scalpel which patients have feared for many years. we use Dental lasers for the following applications:
πŸ‘‰ Implant surgeries
πŸ‘‰ Removal of tooth decay
πŸ‘‰ Gum Lightening
πŸ‘‰ Biopsies
πŸ‘‰ Disinfection during Root Canal Therapy
πŸ‘‰ Speed up healing of mouth ulcers

As patients typically feel less pain with Lasers when compared to the drill, little or no anesthesia is needed when a laser is used. If you hate the sound of the dental drill, you will love the laser.
The use of the Dental laser depends on your clinical situation, and your eligibility for its use will be determined at the time of treatment planning.

What is the advantage of using dental lasers?

A. Dental Lasers use amplified light to focus a beam of concentrated energy on the area that is being worked on. In many cases, they are much more convenient to use that scalpels and other surgical instruments. Patients who have had a laser procedure done typically complain of less discomfort after the procedure as well.

Will it bleed during or after the procedure?
A. Due to how a dental laser operates, there is minimal to no bleeding during the procedure.

Will it be painful during or after the procedure?

A. All laser procedures are done under local anesthesia . You will not feel any pain at all during the procedure. A mild β€œraw” feeling of the gums may be felt after the local anesthesia wears off for a day or two.

What are the precautions to be taken after the procedure?

A: Dental laser procedures result in little or no discomfort following surgery. Take the prescribed pain medications according to instructions, if needed. Avoid chewing food in the areas of the mouth where the laser has been used for a few days.

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